March Seminar materials Update
Announcement of the schedule within 17th., March. 2021 Virtual Seminar
The online meeting video of January 2021 has been uploaded to the Previous Meetings.
The online meetings video for October / December 2020 has been uploaded to the Previous Meetings.
Announcement of the schedule within 17th., Feb. 2021 Virtual Seminar
20th January Seminar materials Update
Announcement of the schedule within 20., Jan. 2021 Virtual Seminar
Announcement of the schedule within 2020 (Online seminars)
The 38th Healthcare Seminar, the General Meeting and the Gala Dinner on July 3, 2020 has cancelled.
Cancellation of Pharma Delegates May 20., 2020 Luncheon Seminar
The luncheon seminar on April 15, 2020 has canceled to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The luncheon seminar on March 18, 2020 has canceled to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The speaker of seminar in Jan. 2020 has been changed.
Pages of "Members only" is now open.
Our website is renewed.
UpdateMessage from the new chairperson is posted.
Previous Meetings Update
Announcement of 36th Healthcare Seminar
Previous Meetings Update
Previous Meetings Update